Frequently asked questions about the Movie Park
Hotel Kaiserhof in Wesel
On which dates can I arrive and how long are my tickets valid?
You can come on any free date in the season, the only condition is that we have free rooms! Availability may be limited on certain dates (for example long weekends and holiday times). There is no date on the tickets, that means you can choose the day you visit. Tickets are not valid on Saturdays in October!
Where can I get the tickets?
You can only get tickets at our hotel. You have to pick up the tickets at the reception desk before you visit the park! You will not be able to pick up the tickets which you have bought through us at the park entrance. We do not send cards or vouchers.
When is the Movie Park Germany open?
Please note that the park is closed on a few dates in the current season! To check the exact opening times please visit - here you will find all the information you need about the park, also about special events such as Halloween (it's awesome!). Some days in October can only be booked directly through the Movie Park!
How far is it to the park?
You can reach the park by car in just 20 minutes! You can get directions from the hotel to the park at the reception desk in the hotel.
How can I get to the hotel?
The reception desk at the hotel is open from 6:30 am to 11:30 pm. Your room will be available from 2:00 pm. If you would like to arrive before that time, you can drop off your luggage, pick up your tickets, and drive to the park.
Can I change my reservation?
Yes, you can change your arrival date up to three days before your originally planned arrival and let us know when you will be arriving. A new reservation is subject to availability. This service is free of charge.
Can I get to the park by bus or train?
That's kind of difficult – the train and bus connections are not very good and somewhat complicated (approx. 1 hour travel time one way). We recommend you travel by car. You can reach the park in approx. 20 Minutes.
Can I buy more tickets at the hotel?
No, unfortunately, we cannot sell more tickets.
Does my child under 4 have to pay?
No. Children under 4 years (0-3 years) are free of charge at the park and in our hotel. Small children can share their parents' bed or you may bring your travel bed along. Please inform us before your arrival if you are traveling with small children. Children from 4 years will be charged the normal rates.
Do you have baby beds in the hotel?
Yes – we have baby beds, but only a certain number. We cannot promise you that one will be available. Please inform us in a timely manner before your arrival, preferably upon booking, if you need a baby bed!
Where, when and how do I pay for the Movie Park offer?
You can pay on the day of your arrival or when you pick up the tickets at the hotel. You can pay cash or with your EC debit card.´
Do you have vouchers?
Sorry. We do not sell vouchers for the Movie Park.
Can I exchange my unused tickets at the Hotel?
No, unfortunately not. If for any reason you have a ticket leftover, you can try to sell it at the park entrance or use it at a different time.
How long are the admission tickets valid?
An admission ticket enables you to enter the park on two consecutive days. The tickets are good for the entire season – so you can choose the day of your visit. Please note the opening hours!
We are a group with more than 20 people...
Please contact us directly. We will be happy to put together an offer for you.
What are the accommodations like in the hotel?
Two people can stay in a double room. Families with 3-5 people can stay in a family room. These are quite large and are furnished with multiple beds (some have bunk beds for the children).
We're at the park and will be very hungry afterwards...
Our restaurant serves warm meals every day until 10:30pm. In summer, you can eat outdoors on the terrace. Take a look at our menu - our value for money is great! Of course, we also have dishes and highchairs for our littlest guests.
What can we do after we've been to the park?
We have a very nice bistro - the perfect close to a very fun day.